They have 2 wonderful children. A daughter, Hillary, will be making her 1st Communion this year and a son, German, who is in 3rd grade. Claudia is a 5th Grade CCE Catechist and also has an hour in Adoration. Both Alfredo and Claudia are participants in the Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico (The Catholic Family Movement). Claudia is a substitute at Space Center Intermediate where she works with the ESL students. Alfredo is a Project Manager at Linde Engineering Company in downtown Houston. They are from Venezuela.
Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them as we once again begin the process of bringing our St. Paul's Community together to offer an Out of This World Festival that brings glory to God!
Please take a moment and e-mail or call them to personally express your gratitude to them and let them know that you will be praying for them. You can also let them know how you would like to participate in the Festival this year!
For easy and quick one time donations to our OOTW Festival through Faith Direct use this scan code. Registered parishioners already enrolled in Faith Direct can designate donations to the Festival through the regular website and their account, designating donations to OOTW Festival.