A New Option to Joining Knights of Columbus Are you considering joining the Knights of Columbus but do not have the time due to family or work concerns? You might consider joining the Knights of Columbus on the Online Membership at www.kofc.org.
May 19 – Saturday, Brother Knights join the parish for faith and family night with the Astros.
May 20 – Sunday, Knights of Columbus, Fr. Walter Sheffield Memorial Scholarship Awarded.
Thanks to Dennis McBride and the Scholarship Committee. May 23 – Wednesday, Prayers at Planned Parenthood, 6 AM to 4 PM. Volunteer for an hour or two.
May 27 – Sunday, 4
th Degree Turn- Out, St. Paul Confirmation.
June 2 – Saturday, 4
th Degree Turn – Out, Presbyteral (Priestly) Ordination; assemble: 9:00 AM, 3
rd floor, Cathedral Center.
June 3 – Sunday, 4
th Degree Turn – Out, Corpus Christi procession.
June 13 – Wednesday, VIRTUS training at St. Paul; PGC (Protecting God’s Children), 7 to 10 PM.
If you have never taken VIRTUS, you must sign-up online. Visit www.VirtusOnline.org, click on FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT, and then begin the registration process. If you need to renew your
VIRTUS training, sign-in online at www.VirtusOnline.org, and register for the training you need. Training progression: PGC in-person, good for 5yrs; then the next training (Refresher) in-person, KPA (Keeping the Promise), good for 5yrs. Your 10
th yr. refresher training may be taken online. If you do not take the classes in order, you will have to start over again with PGC. Any questions contact Grand Knight Philip, Joe Kramer ([email protected]), or Carlos Parra ([email protected])